Hoi4 black ice mod
Hoi4 black ice mod

hoi4 black ice mod

1.4.1 Mergers: Localization, Events, History/Countries, AI_focuses, ideas, NFs, on_actions, tech_sharing, achievements Renamed Communist CZE to "Czechoslovak Socialist Republic" Extensive Draft and Scraping the Barrel now require their preceding law before you can take them Tweaked PP costs for conscription/age laws Changed communist CZE name to "Czechoslovak People's Republic" Added ITA NF bypass for YUG claims if YUG in faction with ITA Anti-Comintern Pact event now invites Hungary if Hungary has more than 35% fascism Added dynamic faction names for monarchists Lowered Monarchist war/faction impact on world tension from 2 to 0.75 (comparable to communism now) Communists/Monarchists/Fascists can now force their ideologies onto other countries Democracies no longer can send volunteers at start Re-ordered HUN/YUG/ROM/CZE AI focuses to improve AI/balance/historicalness Hungary to monarchism by Duel obliteration

Hoi4 black ice mod